Rockstart is scouting promising web and mobile startups from Latin America with disruptive and scalable international businesses to invest in through its Web & Mobile Accelerator Program. The compa...
Met de grote investeringsronde die vorige maand door Peerby werd aangekondigd hebben de startups uit Rockstarts portfolio nu in totaal meer dan 15 miljoen euro aan investering opgehaald. Ook 3D Hub...
Amsterdam-based Rockstart Accelerator opens applications for the next Web & Mobile Program starting late February 2015 and officially announces its results. Launched in 2012, the acceleration progr...
Today, Amsterdam-based Rockstart opens Athens as the first foreign hub where it will organize its successful event format Rockstart Answers. Rockstart Answers helps promising early-stage startups ...
Vandaag presenteert het in Amsterdam gevestigde Rockstart Accelerator tijdens Demo Day de startups die hebben deelgenomen aan haar derde Web & Mobile programma. De 10 startups in de groep van 2014 ...
Today, Amsterdam based Rockstart Accelerator presents its third cohort of startups of their Web & Mobile vertical at Demo Day. The 10 startups of Class 2014 will present their business to 450 inves...
KPMG, NatWest and Elance teamed up with Rockstart to bring the best of Europe’s Smart Energy innovation to London. On June 19 - amid London Tech Week - 5 companies of Europe’s first Smart Energy st...
Rockstart, the Amsterdam-based one-stop shop for startups sets up camp at the Dubai Arabnet Summit on June 3, 4 & 5 to connect and develop partnerships with startups, investors and mentors in the M...
The first European Smart Energy accelerator concluded its program with Demo Day in Amsterdam yesterday. 9 smart energy and sustainability startups of Rockstart's Class of 2014 pitched to 250+ inves...
Rockstart presents the 10 startups selected for the latest Web/Mobile Accelerator starting on March 12 in Amsterdam. The class of 2014 (selected from 512 startups from 56 countries) includes startu...